Help / FAQ

What is Tubidy?

Tubidy is a popular tool that allow you to download favorite mp3 and mp4 files with just a few clicks. It provides quality upto 320kbps and is absolutely free.

Is it legal to download MP3 using Tubidy?

It depends on use. If you are saving Mp3 music for personal use then it is not a big issue but take permission from Right holder if you want to use it for commercial use.

Does this Tubidy work on my iPhone and Mac?

Yes, Tubidy works well on all devices, No matter whether you use Windows, Mac or other Operating systems.

Is Tubidy totally free to use?

Absolutely, you can use Tubidy to download music files free of cost.

Where Mp3 or Mp4 files are saved after downloading on my device?

File Normally saved in Download folder or you can Directly access from Browser History

How long does it take to download a file from Tubidy?

It relies on many factors such as the size of file you want to download and the speed of your internet connection but normally most videos download within a couple of seconds.